9/11: We Remember

Heavenly Father,

We come together today to remember our fellow Americans:  all the men, women and children who died on September 11th, and all those who have died, been injured or otherwise sacrificed as a result of events that occurred that day.

We pray for the victims and the family, and ask that they know your comfort and your peace.

Lord, today our nation is fractured.  We bear the scars of all we’ve endured, and like those before us, many wander around lost, their hope shattered.  You promised in Your Word that if we would turn to You, mend our ways, that You would heal our land.

Many work against us coming together, Father, and work diligently and relentless to divide us.  But today, we pray that America will turn its eyes to You, place its heart and hope in You.  And that in doing so, we’ll find the healing promised in Your word.

Remember our heroes today, Lord.  Remember all those they loved and all those loved love.

And plant the seed of desire to remember and emulate them in the hearts of those still here.  Give us the wisdom, insight, strength and integrity to choose as a nation to turn again to You.

In Christ’s name, we pray.


Hurricane Victims

Heavenly Father,

We come to you today on bended knee, asking that You intercede and comfort all who need comforting.  We ask that You extend your peace to those who are hurt and afraid and suffering.  Our hearts are with all our brothers and sisters who have been impacted by Hurricane Isaac, and our peace is knowing that You are with them always.

Show those who see no light at the end of the tunnel, that there is light.  Show those who are hopeless and despairing, that You are the Great Restorer.  Bring those who are hungry food, whether that food is for the bond, mind or spirit.  Those that seek shelter, the comfort of Your protection.  Repair the breach in broken spirits and ignite in them new hope, new dreams, and an awareness that You are, and You are with them.  God, grant them Your grace and Your peace, so that they know, no matter what happens outside, inside there is contentment and blessed assurance.

In Christ’s name, we pray and agree.


USA: Pray It Forward August 18th

c dreamstime.com With Permission

We love our country, and we want it to heal.  We want things to get better.  Many of our people are suffering, hurt and struggling.

We were a bit idealistic, putting our faith in men.  Believing that if we elected the right people, they would do the right things for the right reasons and all would be well.  But we’ve learned what we should have already known, and that is no matter how good, or well intentioned, all men are flawed.  One can’t reach perfection without the Perfect.  And so, God, we realize our error–that one and so many others–and we turn to You on bended knee and ask for your forgiveness.  We acknowledge and own our mistakes and we ask that You guide and direct us and shed your grace upon us and heal us and our land.


USA Pray It Forward 2012 08 14

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the blessings and abundance we’ve enjoyed.  We come to you today troubled and weary, worried about the future of our nation.  We ask that you forgive us our wrongs, extend us your grace and heal our nation.

In Christ’s name,


USA: Pray It Forward


We know our country is in trouble.  We also know that we serve a limitless, all-powerful God who can heal the broken–us, our lives, our nation. And we know the power of prayer.
The Scriptures tell us that when two agree, ask in Christ’s name, it will be done and God promises that if we repent and follow His ways, He’ll heal our land.

We sorely need healing.

And that got me to thinking.  If we pray it forward–praying for our nation and our people, then we can expect the miracle of restoration.  And so I’m asking you to join me in praying it forward.


I’ll post and then you click “COMMENT” and post your prayer.

